The Datta lab takes an interdisciplinary approach to studying the function of neural circuits in generating naturalistic behavior. We are interested in recruiting students and postdoctoral fellows with backgrounds and interests in all areas of biology, including neurobiology, cell/molecular biology, systems biology, organismal behavior/ethology, imaging and biophysics. Understanding neurobehavioral data increasingly depends upon computational tools, and so we are also interested in applicants with experience in computational biology and machine learning.
We recognize that while there are many roads to science, these roads are often unjustly blocked by racism, sexism, and a host of related structural and individual biases. The Datta lab is committed to actively working on an ongoing basis to making our lab — and science more broadly — live up to its own ideals of equity and fairness for all. We are also committed to making our lab an inclusive place where everyone is welcome and can thrive, regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender identity, or cultural or financial background. We actively seek members who come from diverse backgrounds, with under-represented minorities especially encouraged to apply.
Students at Harvard, MIT, Northeastern, Boston University and other undergraduate institutions are welcome to apply to the Datta lab to gain research experience and to perform senior theses. Students are strongly encouraged to apply early in their college careers to maximize their opportunity to perform work at the bench. Students should be aware that the Datta lab is housed on the Longwood Campus of the Harvard Medical School on the Boston side of the Charles; the Harvard-run M2 shuttle runs between Harvard Medical School, MIT and Harvard College and is a convenient way to circulate amongst the campuses.
Graduate Students
The Datta lab can accept graduate students from any of the graduate programs at Harvard University including but not limited to the Program in Neuroscience, Systems Biology, BBS, Biophysics or Molecular and Cellular Biology via the Harvard Integrated Life Sciences program. Information about these programs can be found at the HILS website. Students interested in a rotation in the Datta lab should email a cover letter to srdatta at
Postdoctoral Fellows
The Datta lab is currently accepting applications for postdoctoral fellowships. Applicants should email a cover letter, CV and the names of three references with contact information to srdatta at
In the academic year 2020-2021 Bob will be teaching in Discipline of Neuroscience (NB215). Bob will also be guest lecturing in Developmental Neurobiology at MIT (9.18).
Faculty Affiliations